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Hello again!  I've got a bunch of progress stuff to share with you today.  There's a pretty fun gamedev update waiting to be posted, but first let's stop in on the comic progress.  I'm expecting I can have this page finished by this time next week, which I think is about the end of the month, which is sort of my goalpost for when I want to put a comic page up.  For now, though, here's where I am today.

One of the details I'd omitted from last week's progress was the penultimate panel, I wasn't entirely sure how to frame it yet so I just left it blank for the time being.  What I decided to do with it instead is introduce the key element by which the Gravekeepers would dispatch one of Monday's friends: give 'em a bite with their undead head in a bag and let them turn up in town the next day.  They're all newcomers so it's easy to blame them for bringing infection inside Tombstone, giving them plausible deniability to protect the Mayor from any kind of blame or accusation.  It's also a pretty solid reason why Nate Mulgrave would want his dad to stay home from work tomorrow, since they expect someone who's turned to show up in town, it'll be a little bit of a fright and they'll have it contained but he still wouldn't want his old man to be in harm's way.  And it's up to Pat- Mr. Hero of Tombstone and the newest member of the Gravekeepers- to get the ball rolling on that chain of events.

I'd skipped the first panel block-in because there aren't really any figures in it, it's a big 3D depth of field shot and I can just paint that all in when I get to the background phase.  Given the long cycle of my comic pages and the recent development of snow, I left myself a little reminder that I need to paint the backgrounds snowy when I get to them, but not too snowy!  It's an accumulating snowiness.  I had a flash of a moment where I saw myself painting this whole thing and then forgetting to put the snow in and few parts of making art scare me quite as badly.  

That's that for now.  It's a pretty standard "I can wrap this up this week" phase of the comic so you'll probably be hearing from me again a bit closer to next Friday but likely sooner than that.  The gamedev writeup will be a little bit, I have to capture some footage in-game to prepare for that article so gimme a bit and then that update should be ready next.  Thanks for checking in, I'll try to post again sooner than later!  Until then, have a nice weekend.



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