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Hi again!  I got the textless version of the next page ready for you to have a look at. It's always a bit of a struggle to hack through the ugly phase of a comic, which is like 90% of it, but once all the backgrounds are in and the final details are down I am generally pretty happy with how my comics look, I think they're really one of a kind.  I got a quick thought to share and then I'm gonna get back to my lettering, so let's hop to it already.

There is a Secret about this page. It's something I've always told myself as I was working on this comic, that I wouldn't put snow in Dead Winter until I was approaching the final big stretch of the comic, or the last big arc.  I don't want to foreshadow too much, but I've always took to heart that winter is a concluding season so when the comic finally started to see snow, I was on my way to set up the last major Thing.  And for as fast as I can afford to make pages that could still take a couple years to knock out, but the first hints of snow are here so that's sort of my cue to myself that I'm getting close to where I've been planning to land.  Just a little Patreon-only secret for you.

I've got a mountain of gamedev things I want to get finished so I can knock out other gamedev things, so after this page goes up I'm gonna try to exclusively hammer out those last details and make as much headway as I can.  This week's Friday report will be a gamedev-heavy one, just to give you a heads up.  Thanks as always for sticking with me on this, and until next time, have a good week.                   



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