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Hello!  I'm back here again with a textless page preview for you.  I'll keep this write-up as quick as usual so I can get back to lettering and get this thing posted as quick as possible.

I had slightly underestimated how long it'd take me to paint the backgrounds on this page, so it stretched a bit longer than I anticipated.  Marty's office is loaded with a bunch of tiny little details, and while it's a bit tedious to reproduce them in every panel I do think it's important to help sell the capital-f Feel of his office.  Also, having clues consistently laying about helps sell Lizzie's investigation mode, which will be the bulk of the dialogue on this page to come.

I'd thought a little bit on how to present the closing of this page, the final panel- I thought about just leaving the opening door fully ambiguous, saving who was coming through for next page.  I know there's a lot of time between updates, and that might be the less satisfying way to close it out, so what I chose to do instead was put a little silhouette in there, with some subtle details, so if someone really wanted to zoom in and look they could get an early clue as to who will be entering the scene in the next page.  

That's it for now!  I'm gonna get back to the grind and finish this thing out so I can move on to the next thing I need to do.  I got something up my sleeve to share for Friday so even though it's a short week I should have a substantial thing to post about.  Until then, thanks for checking in!



Tom Lee

A gravekeeper listening in intently with this unexpected opportunity