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Hello! I hope everyone either has had or is presently having a nice holiday! I've got some more stuff to share with you today so I hope you're ready.

I think it was earlier this year where I set up this page, with the kid being sent along with a note in her hand, and I finally get to draw the payoff.  For me this page is all about expressions, I want to tell as much of the narrative through facial emotion as possible and I had a lot of fun with that.

The other aspect of this page draws from something I've always tried to keep in my comic, the heartache of being a working stiff.  I've gotten this call many times before and I'm sure many others have as well, and I wanted to capture the stages of grief of having to wake up super early to go to work by surprise, and I'm happy with how it came out.  I need to go in and sort of break off the last panel in the row of faces, to give the transition the desired speedbump I see in my head, but I'll have those changes posted next week.

The bottom half of this page so far is pretty silent and I kind of like it that way, but I'll need to make sure I can communicate clearly that the kid wants a tip for making the delivery. The initial idea of "floating dollar signs" seems to do the job fine, but these are the bits I usually figure out as I go.

I'm gonna keep working on this page for my next week and hold off on more game stuff until the new year. Judging by the simplicity of all the backgrounds I may end up just finishing this for my next Patreon update, so we'll see where we land this time next time around.

Thanks for sticking with me through the year, and I hope your new years is kind to you.



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