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Hello again.  Here's the textless page for you, I zipped through it quicker than I expected so I'm happy to get it done sooner than later.  I'll keep this post quick so I can get back to lettering and get this page posted up before bed.

I'm usually pretty meticulous about background details but I let myself slide in a few spots on this page to help speed it along.  This might all sound really petty but in the second panel there should be a traffic light on the corner of that intersection behind the gang.  I figure there is probably going to be word balloons there so instead of painting in another object I just left it out, the scene looks nice.  Also, in the third panel, I couldn't find a good page showing what the front of the building next to the Jade Garden looked like so I left it sort of generic and blank, again assuming I'm going to put a word balloon in front of it.  The last detail I tried to look up but didn't find was the specific number on the side of the warehouse on the river behind the big crane when I was digging through the archives.  I'll sometimes open up old art files and hide the word balloon layers to see old hidden details clearly- I've been painting in full panels behind the word balloons since I started maintaining this Patreon, so while it wasn't always the practice I do now have a pretty large archive of hidden details to look back on.  P-407 seems close to what I wrote somewhere else so I'm gonna just run with it.  I think the page will work just fine with these super minor omissions.

That's it for now.  I'll try to get the next page penciled for next Friday but I am gonna get Alice's gamedev tasks done this week so she can be fully set up in-engine and then I can start work on Monday's gunslinging.  Thanks for sticking with me!  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.



Emanuele Barone

Nice, let’s see where this all leads…by taking the most winding road there possible. ^^;;