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Hello again!  Here's the textless version of the next page.  I'm pretty happy with how this one came out, and I got it done earlier than I expected even after taking my time a little bit to watch a fighting game tournament while I worked.  I'll be brief as usual with this writeup and get back to lettering the final page as soon as possible.

When I write a scene I usually feel a certain way about how it will be received and sort of live in that space until it is over.  During the Liz and Alice kiss scene I was worried I was going to screw something up but that ended up being well-received, and then during the Monday gunfight action flashback I was worried about people being put off by the crime story parts but that worked out fine as well.  For this scene I don't really have any worries, because part of my focus is just bringing Lou back into the main plot and keeping it warm and cozy.  Lou loves his little found family and seeing them finding happiness together would absolutely bring him such joy.  Also!  Lou has a bunch of new friends too, working in the maintenance division of Tombstone, so now he can introduce his old friends to his new friends.  What a guy!  He's just having a great time out here.

This week I'm going to focus on trying to get my next gamedev milestone tasks wrapped up.  I might have the next page penciled for next Friday but if I have to make a choice on what to do Thursday I'll probably focus on wrapping up the gamedev thing so it's just done and off my plate.  I will try to keep the comic pages from stalling too much, though!  Thank you as always for your patient support.  Until next time, have a safe and pleasant week.
