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I've been trying to find a good balance lately for posting more Patreon updates. The trouble I ran into posting game stuff and then comic stuff was that game stuff is a million little pieces I could share as they're made, which generates more Posts, but comics take me a long time to show the one big thing so I end up having a lot of silence between starting and finishing a comic, which you guys deserve better than to have to excuse.  I'm going to try alternating one week of comics, one week of games, and when I get to the end of that week I'm going to post what I've done, that way there's -something- guaranteed every week. I was going to do half a week for one and half a week for the other, but lately (and continuing into the near future) I've had a lot of medical interruptions gobbling up days, so that wouldn't work.  

Here's the sketch for the next page. I like thematic recall- I've done a three-way gun standoff before and doing it again sort of draws a parallel to the last time it happened in the comic, but this one has a different purpose. This page and this scene in general is a lot of "setting hooks", or planting a line you're going to pull later on after a delay or a detour into something else.  I'm excited to get out of this scene because it is a tremendous pain to have to keep referencing which dude in that semicircle is where, what they're wearing and what they're carrying. I'm very particular about those kinds of details and keeping them consistent so I add a lot of extra work for myself for the sake of keeping camera movement honest and trackable.  The fourth panel is a bit of an exception to this- there should be a bunch of dudes in between the two faces surprised by the rip of gunfire but the emphasis is supposed to be on those two and the background so I omitted the extra bodies to give that panel more punch.

Anyways, back to work!  Thanks for sticking by me.




thanks for being rad!


Glad to support you--and this looks awesome! (Even if I still need to catch up on the story to figure out what is going on... ;) )