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This page took me longer than I'd like to hash out the sketch version, I've spent most of my time either working on last-minute gamedev stuff for ECCC, traveling around for medical stuff or catching the cold everyone's been getting. It figures all that would happen on a page with a specific crowd in so many panels, but it is what it is, you just gotta push through it.

On the previous page the crowd scene was easy because except for four people I was making them up as I go, so it's just filling in the space I need filling with bodies.  On this page those bodies have been established, so I get to pay the toll on that free ride and reference who is where and what they're all wearing- this is probably the worst part about drawing crowd scenes. I get to ink this one too instead of using the slapdash paint method, so it'll be a fun time once I get back from ECCC.

I haven't drawn a good action shot in a while so I wanted to use this page to start warming back into action happening. The way I've always like to write my comic is to start out with establishing tone and environments, and then blend into action sequences, and then go back to establishing. It's sort of like going from cool to hot to cool to hot, maintaining a rhythm or a balance so the cool isn't too long-lasting and the hot has meaning and impact by contrast. If the story is all cold then you just freeze up reading it and if it's all hot then you burn out on the action, so I try to structure around a beat to keep scenes fresh.

I'm hopping on a plane tonight to go to Seattle, we should have our next game build available to download on here once we get back and verify all the bugs are squashed.  Thanks for sticking with me!




You know, I never thought about how difficult it would be to draw a multiple-panel scene that takes place in a crowd, has a lot of action, and comes off *convincingly*. I'm not sure exactly what is going on in this scene or what the final page will look like, but from the sketches it looks like you've accomplished that goal beautifully!