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Hello again!  We had a main comic update this week so today I've got a batch of minicomics to share with you.  Next week I'll have the next main comic page to share, but for now please accept this humble offering of comic strips to bring you into the weekend.

#056: This is one of those "comic based on the game" comics.  In-game Lou's special ability is he can produce decoys that look like himself and his teammates, as seen below:

They're all built out of a common set of parts and are extremely accurate, so today he's built one for Maria, the boss.  He used a square trashcan for the body and a shower curtain for her hair, held onto a bucket with a belt.  A pen held in needle-nose pliers is a nice touch to really put it over the top.

#057: In zombie world a person could become a zombie in any nook or cranny imaginable.  Sometimes they get lucky and become a food truck zombie, hanging out in a nice little box.  One of the small details about Dead Winter that this comic emphasizes is that old money is sort of useless without the structures of the old world in place to give it value.  In game we wanted our points to be valuable so we put a dollar sign in front of it, so if you're out and about in the city you might just have a big elastic band bank on you.  Whatever the case, you can believe Alice is a good tipper!

Those are the minis for this week.  Thanks for sticking with me another week, I'll have more to share on Friday.  Take care and enjoy your weekend!



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