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Hello again!  This was a bit of a short week with the new page update going up. I'd wanted to get the next page fully-drawn but I ran out of steam and wasn't able to get it to a satisfactory state, so this week's update is going to be just a batch of minicomics and a small gamedev item afterwards.  I'm past the new-idea fresh point on these minis where I could blast out nine in a week and am in the "gotta keep this up" phase of starting a webcomic project. It's been a huge help to me, both getting people into the comic and keeping them aware that I still make it, which was apparently a problem I had just working on the main page all the time, so it's really in my long-term interest to keep up the minis.  So anyways, here's this week's strips!

#052: This is actually a joke I had written in my notes that I attempted once but abandoned.  In the original notes I had the poncho faction sneaking up on the crew but I'd already used them for a few minis and I hadn't really showcased the army yet, so they get to be the antagonists this time.  The thing I'd struggled with the first time was how to capture all of a) the crew pushing a non-functioning van up a hill, b) show them slipping or giving way of the van and c) showing the van speeding towards the corner the antagonists would be ready to leap out from..

#053: Inspired by some of my British friends introducing me to the Chip Butty, the idea for this strip is that Tombstone has a rotating menu of whatever food can be scavenged for outside or traded with from other towns, so sometimes you end up with odd combinations of ingredients.  What can you do with a bunch of bread and french fries?  Lizzie knows!  I showed this one to Jason, my gamedev teammate, and he was wondering what the mystery food item is, so this strip is going to be a fun treat for readers in the UK.

That's what I've got for now.  There's a three-mini week out there that's eluding me, but I'll try my best to keep up at least two new strips every week.  I am going to focus on the main comic this week, so I'll have that to share with you next week.  Thank you, as always, for sticking with me and my work!  I'll be writing up that gamedev post in a bit, and then I'll see you again next Friday!  Take care and be well out there.



Decon Theed

As one of the resident UK readers, I am so pleased to know that, canonically, Liz is a fan of a good ol' Chip Butty. We don't have a whole hell of a lot to be proud of but by god if that ain't one of the few.