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This week I got another small batch of minis to share with you.  I'm one page behind the buffer I want to have but I've been juggling a few jobs so I haven't had a chance to do a three-page week yet, but I'm maintaining equilibrium with a two-strip update.  This week ended up having a fun theme to it, which I didn't intend, but here they are for you to enjoy:

#050: Alice is the team medic, but what happens when Alice is the one who needs some medical care?  The whole idea here is just how Lizzie would end up doing everything she can to make sure Alice is comfortable, "hospitality" in her head meaning taking orders and bringing things to ensure Alice has a pleasant time.  For the past few strips I've been drawing alternate casual outfits for the characters, which has been fun.  This strip is also a rare appearance of Lizzie without her bandages over her scars.

#051: Of all the antagonist factions in Dead Winter the bikers are probably my favorite to draw, so I felt like they were overdue for a minicomic strip.  I grew up in a biker family and recall the kinds of barbecues where we'd roast a pig on an automated spit rotator built by hand out of an oil drum cut in half, so I tend to channel that sort of energy into the Sons of Surtr.  Barry and Terry are like the lead two bikers and I tend to write them like a bickering old married couple, which is very funny to me.  In their introduction in the comic Brian emerged as sort of a straightman to these two, just this big muscley quiet guy making these calm suggestions.  I dunno, I like these boys, but we definitely plan to let the player beat them up in the game.

These minis have been fun to work on throughout the pandemic, and I'm happy to hear people have been enjoying them.  They've been a great way for me to expand on and help open up the setting of Dead Winter to people who may not have read the comic yet, while providing some more depth for those who have.  Thanks for supporting this work throughout a rough time, I'm happy to provide this small bit of entertainment each week.  Until next time, take care!



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