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This week I've got another small batch of minicomics to share!  The thumbnail shot for this one lines up rather nicely with the current newly-posted strip- I didn't plan that in advance, it just kind of happened.  I had some fun with these so let's just hop right to it!

#048: I think this is the first silent minicomic I've done so far.  In the game we wanted to have a snow level, so we needed a reason why there would be a place in the city that's always snowy.  In game lore the center of the city, the big glass-and-steel skyscraper section, is always colder than other areas.  No one knows why it's always snowy, but some people think it's a high concentration of ghosts from the early events of the comic gathered in the heart of the city.  Whatever the cause, there's a chilly place that always snows so the crew needs to dress warm when they go there.  The last time they were here was Lizzie and Alice checking out a skyscraper office on minicomic #030; they had their own winter outfit designs so I wanted to include Lou and Monday and give them some cold-weather looks as well.  This is one of those fun angles in the setting that I can't really fit into the main comic, so it's fun to have these minis and be able to explore Snowy Winter.

#049: This one was an old joke I've had in my notes for a while.  Dead Winter has always been a comic about fairly ordinary people, so the idea of them encountering classical Main Character designs out in the wild was funny to me.  Despite Lizzie and Monday both being main characters themselves, the idea of spotting and immediately recognizing action heroes with hidden powers was just funny to me.  I tried to channel a mix of game and movie protagonists and sort of capture that design aesthetic, contrasting Monday who is a pale slinky guy and Lizzie who is a gremlin with a mop.  In game terms both Lizzie and Monday have very strong high-damage special moves themselves, but they don't have access to magic spells.

I was hoping to get three minis done this week but I needed time to get the main comic drawn up, so two is breaking even on my buffer.  I'll try three this week, though.  Thank you for supporting my work!  This silly little side project has been good for me, I'm happy to hear people enjoy these strips as well.  Until next week, take care!



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