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Hello!  This week I got another batch of minis ready.  I burned a bit of my buffer the other week so I wanted to do a couple more to get back up to a 20-page lead, which I'm at right now.  This week's strips bring us from #40 to 42, so let's hop in and get to it then!

#040: This strip was actually the very first idea I wrote down on my .txt file for mini ideas.  Way back in the very beginning of the comic there was a hitman named Sloppy Joey Basso who was trying to collect on Monday's contract, who ended up meeting an early bad end.  In the game we have an object kicking mechanic, which is sort of a substitute for being able to pick up and throw things.  One of our planned implementations is zombie heads rolling off to get kicked.  Well, this strip features ol' Sloppy Joe coming back again.  Why they have a sack of heads is a mystery for the moment.  I wanted to wait a bit before I did the head-punting strip, so I could set the tone of the minis before getting to a joke like this one.

#041: This one is another early note in the file.  I used to work as a mechanic, there's a bunch of funny tool names that always made me laugh in the shop so I thought I'd make a strip about them being presented sincerely.  This one sort of hits a line for what I normally write but I still wanted to go for it.  Monday's cleaning his guns in the same way he did back at Chantelle's, Alice is getting some supplies from the common warehouse, and Lizzie is in the middle of Warrior II pose.  Lou?  He just wants to get his stuff back.

#042: I've always been a huge fan of the very early black and white animations, the kind where a graveyard full of dancing skeletons was a legitimate subject for a whole cartoon.  Since Dead Winter is a comic about undead things walking around  I thought it'd be cute if these two found some friendly skeletons to dance with.  The old cartoons were Silly Symphonies and Merry Melodies, hence the title of this strip.

That's it for today's minis.  I've been juggling a few jobs, and this week being the holidays, I might just get two of these for next week, but that would keep my buffer right where it is.  For now though I'll leave it here.  Until next week, take care!



Juan Chanco

Tee hee. "Ball-peen."