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So it's been about 24 hours since my last post, but I'm pleased to say I was able to knock out the rest of this comic in that time and so I have a textless version to share with you now!  

 Compared to the block-in phase, adding all the details in the background really turned this scene from a big grey box into the actual diner with all its character intact.  One of the things I really like about painting interior shots is being able to paint really clear cast shadows on nearby objects.  The pop in depth this page got when I put the shadows on the diner booth seats really just brings the whole thing out, when I'm painting outdoor shots there's not always a good opportunity to utilize shadows like this but in scenes like this one it's a gamechanger.

One of the important elements of this page is the second panel, where Monday notices Lizzie isn't wearing her ring, and hasn't been wearing it for quite a bit by this point.  The design problem here is "how do I convey a noticeable absence?"  My solution was to use animation, but I needed to do it in a way that could translate to print, so I opted for little dotted lines arcing over where the ring would be.  In the online comic I have it set up in a marquee flashing pattern which you'll probably see in about an hour, it's subtle but it draws the eye to the absence of a specific detail.

I'm gonna hop back to work and get the text lettered and put this page online.  Thanks for being here!  



Emanuele Barone

The website is actually giving me a 502 Bad Gateway but I see on Twitter folks can read it fine...maybe an issue emerging from your recent migration, like dns propagation slowdowns?