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Hello again!  This week I have a new page sketch to share, which if you've been following this blog for the past few months you will know I'm really excited about.  I've been super exhausted drawing that outdoor crowd scene in an intersection so moving to this nice indoor scene is really energizing me to push forward on the comic.  So let's just jump right in and talk shop.

On the previous pages I wanted to set up Lizzie pursuing her secret mission in town and Monday reading that she's acting weird in a way where she wants something from him, so he announces he's going to the diner to meet her there.  So this page is sort of a jump forward to that, cutting to the chase and getting on with the next scene.  

One of the things I like about shifting the comic into the town of Tombstone has been the angle of everyone having a job again.  The comic began as a story about people with crummy jobs being swept up in the collapse of the old world- we mostly saw it through Lizzie but everyone was working in environments that were unpleasant largely because of their employers, and not so much the nature of their work.  In Tombstone everyone is working for mutual benefit, since there's no real profit motivation to be had, so I imagined everyone's working environments would be a bit warmer.  For Lizzie in particular, she came up in Frank's Diner in a fairly abusive and miserable environment, but in Tombstone she works in the Jade Garden with Lee and the Leung family, who are friendly to her, which in turn lets her maintain the sense of self she found throughout the course of the comic.  I want her to have a happy workspace, I think everyone is entitled to that kind of atmosphere so I put it in my comic to be sure in some small sliver of the world it comes true for somebody.

As far as the comic's narrative has gone I don't think Lizzie and Monday have had a one-on-one in a while.  They are opposite personalities and they openly dislike one another, so when they need to work together they tend to clash horns.  This page is meant to set up one of those collaborations- Monday already picked up on it from the crowd scene and Lizzie is trying her best but doing a really poor job at being smooth about it.  But either way, here is the first page of contact being made.

This page has a fair bit of background to it but it's at least contained indoors with just three visible characters so I think I will have an easier time painting this page than the previous ones.  I'll be working on this during the week, so next Friday I should have a good progress report for you.  Thank you, as always, for reading along.  Take care, and have a good weekend!



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