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Hello again!  Here is the unlettered page preview before I finish it up and put it online. This one has been a stressful one so I'm really glad to be through this whole crowd scene.

For the couple months that I've had this scene going I've had these two or three screenshots I took from page 600 open on tabs on my laptop that I could reference for everyone's crowd position, and I'm relieved that I can finally close those tabs.  I've felt somewhat gassed out referencing positions for all my camera angles, it might seem like a minor thing but it's been wearing me down for the past five pages.  I do have to say, though, that working on the minis in between pushes on the page has been a big relief for me.  Since I've been cooped up in my apartment for the past seven months I really needed a project to help stave off burnout and those goofy little strips have been just the thing.

I'm gonna hop back and wrap up this page real quick.  This week I plan to have some gamedev work to report on Friday in addition to some new minis, so keep an eye out for that.  Thank you as always for supporting our work!  Be well out there.



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