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Hello again!  Another week has come and gone, I hope it has treated you well.  I have made progress on the next comic page, I'm looking to get this page finished this weekend, or by Monday at the latest, so today I'll talk a little bit about where I am in the process.

The roughest part of this page is probably the first two-and-a-half panels.  I'm honestly pretty fatigued by painting a big specific crowd at this point that I'm just blocking the background people in and I'll get to them in the detail pass later.  The rest of this page after those panels is a breeze, with lots of camera angles pointing at nearby flat building faces, so I expect to be able to just knock those panels out very quickly.  The bottom half of this page is definitely the easier half, particularly the final panel close-up with Clark.  

One of the thoughts I have to lighten the workload on those crowd backgrounds is to make the crowd and background more abstract in the second panel.  Since the goal of that panel is Lizzie and Monday kinda side-eyeing each other I think if I pull everything else back and just let those two be the central focus it would both a) be easier to paint and b) sell the actual interaction I'm looking to convey much more clearly.  

Since I'd been drawing a whole bunch of minis lately I'm sorta working between two timelines now.  After I hit my minicomic target (which I'll post about shortly) I came back to put more time into this page, and I had to remember that Lizzie still has her black eye and nose bandage from getting roughed up about 10 pages earlier.  I've always tried to keep track of characters' various injuries in the comic, like little souvenirs from various moments in the story- like Monday wasn't initially planned to have a scar on his face but that came from when he fought with Frank way back in the early part of the comic.  Lizzie's black eye and bandage are temporary features, they're a detail that will probably hang around until the scene moves on from her immediate perspective, but its important for me to remember its there when I'm jumping between this work and the minicomic strips.

I mentioned before but I think I can get this page wrapped up this weekend, so I'm going to give it my best shot. Once I'm through this page I can move onto the next scene, which is one I'd been thinking about for a long time.  Thank you, as always, for sticking with me.  Be well out there.



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