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Hello!  Here's the textless version of the next page.  I'm gonna be real quick with the write-up and get to lettering so I can put this thing online real quick.

I kinda expected I'd have had this page finished by Saturday night but I neglected to really factor in all the background dudes I put off blocking in, and how long they take me to add.  The system I've developed sorta treats non-focal characters as LOD models- the lower-detail models used in 3D games when a character is far enough away that their fine detail doesn't matter as much to the camera.  It's a way to make sure the important characters in a shot are in focus while still drawing the full crowd in that space. 

Speaking of crowds, I'm fully ready to be done with this scene so I can move on to drawing environments that aren't full of specific people.  I'm getting really exhausted with drawing this crowd so much, but fortunately the next page is going to be the last one to tie up this scene before I move on to the next, so I just gotta push through that and I can be done with this hell task and move on.

Thank you for helping me see this task through.  I'll probably have that next page sketched and ready to share for this Friday's Patreon report.  Take care out there, I'll be back again at the end of the week.



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