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Hello!  Here is the textless version of this page.  It's about 4:30am my-time as of this writing so I'll be brief and get to the lettering so I can get it up to share before going to bed.

In doing archive dives to research my comic I look back on the way I used to paint pages and I like to observe the ways in which my painting has changed over time.  I used to put a lot of meticulous shading into comics, using lots of gradient layers to round things out, but these days it feels like my art is a lot smoother than it used to be.  Instead of leaning so heavily on gradients I use bigger shapes to describe my depth and lighting- you can see this in Lou and Monday's faces.  I also try to apply a rule where I treat rendering skin and clothes differently- I'll give skin fewer gradient layers to help it look smoother, and clothes I'll crank up the contrast and add the really sharp highlights.  I still model everything in my trademark painting style but the way in which I actually do that modeling has kinda crept towards something more efficient than it used to be.  I don't think I would deliberately undo those changes, but it is fun to observe.

I'm gonna hop back to writing now, this one's gonna be chatty.  Thanks for reading!



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