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Hello again!  Here's a quick look at the finished textless page.  

Whenever I get to this point I always really like how my art looks, I save the glow effect for the very end phase and that always makes the characters pop from the background.  I paint without them so I can get good value contrast internally and then add the glow as an extra detail at the end- it's kind of like a black outline for darkness. Adding that element lets me include a few extra layers of detail to my figures too, like I can use double-lines to indicate trembling or little hash lines to indicate movement, so I'm not keen on getting rid of it any time soon.  One of the rules I try to maintain for the glow outline is wherever the characters' bodies are pressing onto a surface, usually their feet but sometimes their thighs when they're sitting or if they rest their arms or hands on something, I try not to include the glow on the contact point of the figure.  My logic for this is if I put glow underneath feet it would make a character look disconnected from the background; it also kind of has an implication of rim lighting, like the little halo of light that might catch around the edge of a person's silhouette, so if they're sitting or standing there would be no light there.  Doing it that way helps them feel "rooted" to the ground.

While painting this page I was kinda flip-flopping on if I should make Lizzie's bandanna red or leave it black- she took it off for her tune-up and Mr. Cuddles is sleeping on it.  It might be too bright for the level of lighting in this page so I think I will darken it a smidge before putting the page up, that should do just right.

I'm gonna get back to working and knock out the text for this page and get it up ASAP.  Thanks again for sticking with us!  Enjoy this pristine artwork ahead of everyone else.




mr cuddles!!!!!!