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Here's the textless version of this page.  Unlike previous pages I do actually have text to write in before I put it on the website. There's really just the two bottom panels different from yesterday's post so I'll go through those quick before getting this page wrapped up.

The penultimate panel I designed with a kind of quiet stillness, like Lizzie is kinda just laying there for the first time in a long time, without needing to run or hurry or be anywhere. I really like how this one came out, feeling like a first exhale after holding your breath for however long, and I think I managed to get that to come through.  This is also probably the first time I've really drawn Lizzie's work shirt collars up around her hoodie- over the years I try to convey the specifics of how different outfits are pieced together, and sometimes I feel like i'm not always clear, like with Lizzie's old zip-off capri pants, but I think the button-down workshirt over the hoodie is pretty well-established.  In this shot I can mess it up a little bit.

The last panel for this page is sort of a recap of everything that's happened. I always like to keep internal notes of where everything goes on in 3D space and I try to plot everything to be consistent in that way.  For this shot I fudged the specifics of where all the ponchos were felled and where all the zombies Alice shot actually were; I think compositionally keeping it all together makes it feel more like a chronicle of the fight that just took place.  The slide tackle to start the fight is there, the impact on the left where Blood Goggles tackled Lizzie and the footprints leading up to the big kick from last page are here, and everyone's weapons are scattered around where different events happened.  The boot is there too, which has always been an important detail that kinda existed in the background.  It's a cliff's notes of the action scene!

Anyways, I'm gonna get this page lettered and posted real quick.  Thanks for reading!  I'll have more to share next Friday.



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