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Hello! Here is the textless version of this page.  It's a bit late at night and I'd like to get the page posted before I sleep so I'll keep the write-up short.  When I work on these pages, painting them in the manner that I do, it can be difficult to feel like I'm making progress until I hit the very end of the page.  When there's big stretches of solid greys and unpainted characters it can feel like there's so much more work to do but when you get to the very end, and I can put that little outline glow in, the whole thing starts to tie together and I feel proud of the work I'm making.  It looks nice, the shapes pop and the page starts to match the vision I see in my head, but all that doesn't come in until the 11th hour.

I'm gonna jump back to work now and get this page up on the site ASAP.  I've been having fun putting more of a focus back on comics lately and this action sequence has been really enjoyable to draw, so I hope you enjoy it as well.  Thank you for coming along with me on this ride.



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