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Here is the textless final art for this page.  Honestly this is basically most of the page itself, the only dialogue I need to put in is in the first two panels, so I'll be brief and get back to that.

One of the challenges I've always had working in really painterly greyscale has been making sure my figures pop against the background.  I don't really have colors or bright/dull saturation contrast to help make things pop, so I need to do everything in greys.  Some scenes require a darker background that tends to eat up black outlines and dark clothing, and I can't really lighten the background without losing the dark effect I want in the first place, so getting my figures to pop in those cases has been troublesome.  For a while I've been adopting this light outline around silhouettes and I think it works well to solve my problems- it's an adaptation of "glow" effects in graffiti, and it's essentially a light outline around the dark outline so no matter what value the background in a scene is the character silhouette is preserved.

Once this page is done I'm going to start work on the next page, to keep momentum going.  I have a few gamedev tasks I want to do but I'm going to fit them between comic stuff and see if I can't get where I want to be with the comic sooner than later.  Thank you, as always, for your continued support of our work.



Jeffrey Nonken

"...light outline around silhouettes..." Works for me. I never even noticed it until you pointed it out. Even now, knowing it's there, I don't see it as obtrusive.

Juan Chanco

The girl has _moves_. And style.


I always think of it like, if we have black outlines on white paper, then a second white outline on black paper makes it work on anything.