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Hello!  Here's the textless version of the new page real quick.  It took a bit of effort to paint in these last three panels but I think now that they're done they're worth the effort.

I made a couple changes to the panels compared to the block-in versions I posted on Friday.  The penultimate two panels I realized I was supposed to draw a "nose" style bus, rather than a "flat front" bus, so I cut the bit wall I had Lizzie walking around down to reflect the correct bus shape.  In the final panel I was worried about how I would paint in all the little buildings vanishing to the river in the background, but I instead decided to put a big building in the way to sort of box in the fight scene area.  I've got to secretly go back and edit this building into a previous page but no one who isn't here right now will be any the wiser.

I'll get back to work and get this page finished and up on the site ASAP.  Thank you for sticking with me through all this work, I couldn't do it without you.  I'll have something new for you on Friday!



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