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Here are the inks for the next page. This one was a lot of fun to draw, it felt like getting back into the swing of making comics how I used to. I'm excited to have two comics posted in the same month again, so I'm gonna make this update short and get back to writing up word balloons.

For this page I wanted to use a lot of solid black and white contrast to convey action. Internally I'll use hash lines to give a shape form and depth, but externally I'll surround it with hard contrast to make its overall outline as crisp and clear as possible.  For shapes where one side is darker than the other, like the Runner Zombie's head in panel five, I'll use the old portrait painting trick of making the background dark on the light half and light on the dark half, so whichever side you look at has appropriate contrast around it.

I haven't actually drawn zombies in the comic for a long time, so as a little cameo appearance I decided to use the four zombie enemy types drawn for the Dead Winter arcade game in this strip.  At first I thought about if a burning one was out of place, but then I was like, who cares?  It's fun.

Anyways, I'm going to quit dilly-dallying and get back to work.  The page should be up on the site shortly.  Thanks for sticking with us!



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