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Hello! I spent much of this week processing and exporting game art assets BUT I did get to work on the next comic page as well! Previous intermissions I've done three one-shot pages and a full set of three pages for one story beat, but for this one I wanted to do a two-pager and then a one-shot after it.  For now, though, our friend Sixgun Johnny Rhythm meets the Sons of Surtr.

When I first wrote Monday into the comic I had the idea of someone who has fighting skills but no social grace being put into situations where social interaction was more important than how fast you can sling a gun. Sixgun is sort of an answer to that concept- he's the same kind of gunslinger as Monday but he has the charm and social savvy to not need to use it.  You can get a lot more out of people if you work with them than if you antagonize them, and that's the key to Sixgun trailing our heroes. He's still an awful professional killer like Monday, but he's got manners and a honeyed tongue so he can move in spaces Monday can't, without Lizzie's help at least.

This page is also my first opportunity to give the bikers a moment of peace where they're not in conflict with anyone else, whether its cops or the main cast. They get to just relax and eat their roasted pig on the rooftop of their scrapyard. I don't necessarily want to portray the bikers as a villainous group the way the cops or army are, they're their own thing making their way in the world.  They were the last people to see Monday and his friends before they made their way into Tombstone, so a kind gesture and a few nice words is all it takes to get them to share what they know.  Intermission pages are always things that aren't happening directly on-camera in the main thread of the comic, but they imply things going on in the background that are happening concurrently with the main storyline, so in the case of these pages it's that Sixgun is still on the hunt.

I'll finish this page this weekend and post the textless version as soon as I can.  Thank you for your patience, comic people. I just needed a bit of time to overcome another work obligation, but I'm in the clear now. Anyways, back to the grinding wheel for me.



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