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As you may have heard, Patreon is making changes to the way they're billing patrons.  Rather than fees coming out of my side, they are tacking extra fees onto all patrons for all individual pledges at a rate of $0.35 + 2.9% of their pledge total. I do not approve of or condone this, as this could negatively impact patrons who are already doing what they can to support my work.  I'm immensely grateful for everyone who has been kind enough to support me on here, so rather than accept the new Patreon rules with a shrug I'm going to make a change to the way I post content.

I want to make sure I can still honor patrons at the $1 level, so from this moment forward, until we hear word that policy changes have been reversed, all $1 posts will be available to patrons of all tiers.  I did some math and if you pledge $0.63, then 2.9% of that is $0.0199, plus $0.35, will come out to the $1 you've budgeted for these weekly updates. I tried to create a tier to allow $0.63 patrons access to $1 content, but I can't make the number lower than $1, hence I'll be making that content available to no-tier-limit, all-patron-only access. I apologize for the inconvenience the changes may cause you and want to do everything I can to make sure all patrons of all means can end up supporting exactly the amount they want, no matter what.  If these changes affect you, please know that if you change your pledge to $0.63 it will even out to $1 and I will still honor your pledge with the usual $1 content.

Thank you again for your patience and support of my work. I'm not happy about these changes but I do depend on your support to keep working, so I will do everything I can to make things work out how we expect them to.



thanks for hustling to do justice by your patrons, rally


Any chance you could set up on Liberapay or somewhere else as well? Even if it doesn't include the emailed perks, it'd still be nice to have a simple way to donate that's more friendly to small donations.


I hadn't heard of that service before but I will look into it. I don't want to ask people to keep jumping from service to service chasing me down so I'm gonna try to do the best I can to stay put, but I'll absolutely try to open up other channels for people who don't want to give money to Patreon. I'll look into it this week and post about it when I have something easy and comfortable for patrons.