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I'm so mad. I was all set to power through this page in a week and I caught a cold at some point and lost my weekend to recovery!!!  I would have had this whole page done by now if I hadn't gotten sick.  That's fine though, I had a backup plan. 

One of the things I've been meaning to try for efficiency is what I call the 70% Method.  Basically a theory I've been pondering for a while is in a painterly style you can hit about 70% of your artwork goals reasonably quickly before things start to slow down putting all the detail polish on the last 30%. So since I was sick this weekend I decided to try painting each panel to about the 70% mark and then move onto the next panel, and get everything painted to about 70% on a first pass.  Then, on a second pass, I can more quickly knock out the last 30% details for each panel, since the base work is already done and I'm coming back to it fresh.  I figured being under the weather was as good a time as any to get rough, ugly art down and worry about making it pretty later.

One of the reasons I thought about this 70% method was when I finish a page and go back to correct an error or an oversight I'm always able to do it way faster than when I was initially drawing it in the first place, so for this page I'm going to see if incorporating that into my working process yields better results.  I am coming off my cold but I'm still a little sick, BUT I anticipate I'll be done with this page by the end of this weekend, and then I'll shift back to gamedev work for a bit. Right now I'm gonna get back to the grindwheel, though.  Thanks for sticking with me!




hell ya, improving that process!