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Hello again. July is just around the corner, and we're running out of task items to complete on Kitsune Tails. As of this writing it was just announced that we're adding "sliding down hills", as seen here: https://peoplemaking.games/@eniko/112701789764555604 I have devoted almost all of my time to helping get this game in the best state it can be, and I thank you for your patience with me. I did, however, find time to finish up the pencils for the next page, which I'm happy to share with you today. I didn't want to do an entire month of "hey, so I am working on things I can't show you, or talk about, so just trust me". I want to have things to share with you too. Deciding this was going to be The July Page was, I think, a life-saving decision for me. Now that I've actually got the whole page drawn in, I think this was doubly true, because hoo boy. This is gonna be a big one.

One of the big indicators I look for in gauging and mentally preparing for how "big" a page will be is a) how many panels there are and b) how many people are on the page. This page is a pretty standard six panels long, although the panels are arranged somewhat abnormally, leaving a lot of room for that last group shot, so the panel quantity isn't too bad. There are a lot of damn figures to draw, though. I gotta ink all these guys. Normally I wouldn't be looking forward to cramming that into my schedule, but I've afforded myself a bit of breathing room and the month is just about to start with both the pencils done and a huge workload off my plate, so I think I'll be able to do it just fine.

I'm a bit toast from crunching this last week of dev before our big landmark, so I think I'm gonna leave this one at that. It's GDQ week this week so I think I'll be watching that a lot while I work on this and fill in the last tasks I need to fill before Kitsune Tails is ready to ship. Thanks for checking in with me, I'm real excited to get to the next scene just after this setup is done. Until next time, have a lovely week.



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