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Last week I said I would sit down and start learning how to light properly in Iray, so I  watched some YouTube vids this week and I did indeed learn a few things.  This is my first attempt and it's easily one of the better lit images I've done.  The downside is what appears to be some spikiness around the edges (most noticeably on the corners of the walls).  I reduced that a bit by doing a double sized version and reducing it by a third.  Starting out as such a massive image, it took slightly over an hour to render, which is not bad. I will check with the professionals and see what they say.

Next up, one or two Unit 68s.




A fantasy place where the girls are all stacked and the boys are all chaste.


And I thought, that these very well-shaped and endowed beauties will become the next UNITs and successors of Unit 68, but they also could be girls of Sigma mu;-)