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Hi guys. As you may know, Patreon furry artists such as myself are having a lot of trouble with art theft. I've seen my Patreon work posted in a specific website without my permission and there's nothing Patreon can do about it.

Now, I'm taking extra care with fake emails to be sure no one is stealing my content, but it's being posted anyway. So I have a suggestion to you, and keep in mind that I'll only do this if I have your support:

I'll post my material cencored here. At the end of the month, once I get paid, and see who actually paid and who got their payment declined(usually the thief), I'll send you all a private message with a link to download the uncensored material.

This would be a temporary thing. I've already talked to Patreon and they're working on a new billing system which charges patrons as soon as they pledge, protecting the creator. As soon as this is implemented there will be no need to post censored art.

Again, this is up to you guys. I wish I didn't have to suggest this but this art theft really affects me.



I'm fine with this, hopefully patreon gets this figured out soon.


This actually seems to be the most common way of handling the issue in my experience. Works for me!


This actually seems to be the most common way of handling the issue in my experience. Works for me!


Anything that hurts the thiefs is fine by me.


I'm all for that =w=


That sounds logical. Go for it.

Shuken Flash

Sounds like a plan. Glad they're finally coming up with a good solution to the problem. Maybe charge for an estimated number of posts & if it's more or less add or subtract that to the next month's bill

Vawkis Silverfall

Y'know, I watch Kadath as well, that's the method he uses. It seems to work. So, I say go that route. No artist should be robbed of what's rightfully theirs

Drages Animations

I am a great fan of you and you are right about this, but.. I think 10$ every month for a colored comic donation. If it's 20 page then it takes 100$ to follow it until the end. Many people started to do it so, but most of them are already free (they took the money only for donation case) or for much less money. I do not like this system, force me to give 100$ total for a comic which i can buy it 5 or maximum 10$ when finished. This "thieving" ( i mean dummy donators) is a reaction for this i guess. I want to support many great artists i like, but i prefer to do that to buy it or preorder it for their actual finished price. Let's say i want to support 5 artists for 10$ for their 10 month comic run.. it means 500$!!! I wish i could effort that, but no. So if it was 2-3$ per month, it could be ok finished by 20-30$ but 10$ is much. Ppl can say that "then pay when it's finished for 10 bucks" but if everyone chooses this way then the artists won't do anything because he wont get paid monthly. I just wanted to show the problem at donators side.


Yes, I charge 10$ my patrons can have access to a 8-10 full colored comic plus character art and individual images. But you don't pay per page. You pay per month. And about patrons supporting several artists, there is nothing I can do about it. I'm not lowering the prices, because it's already really cheap, given the ammount I post. Plus I need this income right now. I'm concerned with my own life and future. Besides, my Patreon is based on early access, so it's a jerk move to steal my stuff and post it for free, given that it will be for free eventually. It's like saying "If I cannot afford some of the itens on my grocery list, I'll just shoplift them". It's wrong what they're doing. Period. They are not attacking a huge company with means to defend itself. They're attacking the small guy because they know how hard it is for us to fight back.

Drages Animations

Nobody attacks nobody. It's furry community. They are mostly against paywalls and whatever you do they scream for free. They do not care what you earn or need. They are most greedy ppl at internet. They will find out the cheapest way and they will publish it in no time. This is sad but true. Yeah you publish them for free later, it's best way but still as i said they are furries. I hope you handle this, because i love your art style and i liked this comic very much.