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Ok, so until just an hour ago I was super excited about my Patreon. I

had just reached over 800$ in pledges and I was ready to expand and

start dedicating more time to it.

Then I noticed that about a third of my patrons(especially the ones who

pledged more) had their pledges declined. Then I noticed that all of

these people had generic names and emails. They, basically, fake pledged

so they could have access to the material for this month and then they

bailed out at the end, leaving me with a total of 200$ in pledges.

So, yeah, I'm extremely disapointed and angry. And I know that these

people heard of my Patreon either through furaffinity or inkbunny, which

means that they're also my "fans".

So, if they wanted me to feel like shit, congrats. I do. I don't usually

talk about this, but I have a serious medical condition and I was

really counting on that money.

So, I'm thinking of changing the pledges from monthly to weekly. So that way, if there's a fake one, I'll know in a week. Nothing is for sure now, and for next couple of days I won't post anything. I've contacted the Patron staff and I'm waiting for their answer. I'm gonna try to make sure no one tries to screw me over while still keeping the paying patrons happy.

Anyway, that's it. I don't know how things are gonna be from here on. Please, be a little patient. I'm sorry about this and I know you guys didn't do anything wrong, but I cannot let this happen again. I'll keep you guys informed.



This seems to be an increasing problem with Patreon. I'm rather new to it and 2 of the 3 people I have made a pledge (you included) are having this issue. Patron really needs to address this.


I feel horrible that this is happening to you, especially since you are one of the artists that I joined Patreon for.


I was afraid this would happen. They say as much on the info, and I would be okay with some people canceling their pledge on a submission based level if the my art would be completely out of their interest. But canceling a whole month and amounts like that even. The weekly thing sounds good. Another thing you could do is PM the high supporters when they come in. See if they even react. Maybe get their FA username.


It is horrible that this sort of thing happens, I know I would be devestated if it happen to me. But at least you now know who your true supporters are

Vawkis Silverfall

Sad to say, it's semi common. Alot of honest people are hosed and they're still trying to work on a way of making this more fool proof

Shuken Flash (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 14:04:06 This is why I kind of wish Patreon required payment when you signed up, before you get anything. I know they're trying to protect the patrons if the artists doesn't produce but just refund or carry it over to next month. I hear about this happening way too often & it's horrible that people pull this crap. Hopefully either the weekly thing or something else works out for you.
2015-09-05 07:30:12 This is why I kind of wish Patreon required payment when you signed up, before you get anything. I know they're trying to protect the patrons if the artists doesn't produce but just refund or carry it over to next month. I hear about this happening way too often & it's horrible that people pull this crap. Hopefully either the weekly thing or something else works out for you.

This is why I kind of wish Patreon required payment when you signed up, before you get anything. I know they're trying to protect the patrons if the artists doesn't produce but just refund or carry it over to next month. I hear about this happening way too often & it's horrible that people pull this crap. Hopefully either the weekly thing or something else works out for you.