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Hey there, everyone. You might have noticed I just sort of re posted the beginning of Yellow Heart, but this time edited to fit more of a page, instead of a sequence of images. 

So here's the thing; while I like the current format I've adopted and plan to stick with it, some people have trouble seeing it. 

I know some of you only see my posts on your cellphone/tablets and I can guess having to go to a google drive folder and scroll through 20+ images can be a little annoying. Being able to visualize posts using only the Patreon app will certainly be more comfortable. 

So here's what I'm gonna do from now on; I'll keep on making the comics in the current format, but I'll also create "regular page" versions of each sequence. I'm sticking with a certain width per page but making the height variable. Since the panels weren't made to fit all in a single image, this was the best way I could edit the sequences. 

These pages will be posted here and in the google drive folder, so you can download them too if you want.

For now, I've just edited the first sequence, but I'll keep on doing the other ones till I catch up to the one I'm gonna post soon.

Anyway, I hope this makes things easier for you guys. If you have any doubts or suggestions, please, comment bellow.


Mitsu Koboslime

:3 heh im personally just waiting for the chapter to be done and uploaded to the drive so i can read it all in one go