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If you're new here, let me explain:

A while ago, when I first created my Patreon, I had my content leaked which was bad for patrons since they'd be paing to have an early access of something that would be out already. So my solution to this was post the images censored here and at the end of each month, send a pack to each patron, with the uncensored images, as I do right now. 

There has been leaks of my material in another website, and I'm thinking of going back to posting censored material. I was contacted by another creator, which I'm going to keep annonymous, and he warned me about a specific patron who was responsible. This patron has been blocked, but it's a matter of time till he creates another account and do it again. The problem is that this website where my stuff is being posted works as some sort of mirror to patreon. It shows all my posts there. This one will be there as well.

So what I might do is post the pictures censored here, and as soon as I make the post, I'd send you all the pack with the images I just posted. Instead of sending a pack once a month, I'd send it twice, one when I make my midmonth posts and one at the end, the one you alreagy get.

I'd like to hear you guys out on this and see what you think. Because this would be to protect you. I don't want people paying for an early access if the material is already posted somewhere else. I'd be open to suggestions as well.



Well, you could still post sketches uncensored and do as you said for the rest. It's fair for everyone that is your patreon and for you. For me it's a fair solution.


Wouldn't the result be the same? I mean if he makes another account he will get the uncensored ones when you send a pack and just leak them then? I appreciate the effort but would this even phase this bloke?


You see, he doesn't actually posts the pages. He probably has a bot that copies the Patreon page and pastes there. I don't know exactly how it works, but if he were to post everything himself it would take ages, since he does this to a shitton of artists. That means, if I send you guys the packs, there's nothing he can do about it, since the content won't be posted here. I've had my stuff posted before, but usually in these cases I reach for the website admin and warn them that that's exclusive content, and it gets removed. So posting isn't what I'm afraid of, really. If he were to post everything that I do manually, at least that'd make it harder for him.


In that case I say go ahead just to make it harder for him.


Honestly it would be a bit of a shame to have to wait for uncensored material as it comes about once a month or something like that in the packs. However I hate seeing one of my favorite artists being, basically, stolen from. Therefor I suggest going threw with censoring the images. If they are not posting the pictures from the emailed packs then maybe you could send the packs out maybe a tad more frequently? However if they are posting the pictures from the emailed packs then just stick to the censorship.


I post every 15 days here. My plan would be to post only teasers, or even censored pages and send the uncensored pictures to the patrons. The only difference is that I'd do that twice a month instead of only at the end of it. I already send everyone their respective pack as soon as they pledge, so it wouldn't change much.


im gonna have to agree with the idea thats not right and you should have a say any anything that goes on