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So, for this month I wanted to challenge myself! 

Usually, my bad habits  make me go to the mentality of 'I want to show everything!!!' Great boobies, bootylicious butt, good view on both facial expressions, what they're doing and possibly also a million other things... 

As someone who tries to tell a story first and draw a pretty picture second, I'm fully aware that this is a not the best attitude to achieve what I want :')

For February illustration I made a conscious effort to just show what I need to ;) Even though I was SO SCARED TO PICK SUCH A BIG CLOSE-UP!!!

So... we're not seeing their nude bodies or both face expressions! And that one girl is there mostly to achieve a depth and intimacy in the picture I feel I usually can't achieve because I'm focusing so much on showing as much as possible :)

I've had only one mission and one mission only for that illustration - to give Lara's smile a  punch of a heavyweight champion that will knock us all down unconscious!!! :D




Lara's smile beat me up and stole my lunch money. Ha, this is absolutely fantastic! You feel every bit of the warmth and intimacy that I think you intended to convey here. I adore your more NSFW art for sure, but I have precisely zero complaints about this. Wonderful job as always, and thank you very much.


Noooooo, not the lunch money!!!!!! Thank you SO much for sharing how you feel about this picture! :) Your words are very encouraging and it made me really happy to hear that I could convey the feelings and atmosphere I wanted to! :) And that it's ok to focus more on some part, like for example a face and details in the expression and around it, and it will be as 'moving' as pictures showing more of the bodies and background :) thank you!!