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Hello, my darlings!! ❤️ Hope you are doing well this weekend! I’m definitely feeling a lot better, most of my back pain seems to have been eradicated! Still is not fun to sit for extended periods of time, but I’m thinking we are on track to get this audio out by the middle of next week 💃🏻

Thought I’d share the whole of this script prior to the nsfw portion as a thank you for being so understanding while I’ve been recovering! Although I know how this script appears initially, there is consent involved later (albeit dubiously). I’m so excited to record this lol, I hope you all enjoy!


Look who’s finally awake. Surprised to find yourself lying on the bed in my penthouse? You’ve been in this position so often, you’d think you’d be used to waking up this way. …oh, is it that you don’t remember how you got here? Heh. Think real hard and maybe it’ll come to you.


*laced with sarcasm* Ding ding ding! Correct, this time you didn’t come here voluntarily. Clever girl! Used all your brain power for that one, didn’t you? Ah, and I see you’ve finally noticed your wrists and ankles are bound. All the pieces are coming together, slowly but surely. Don’t struggle so much, babe, *she says this as though spitting out the word* you’ll get rope burn, and that, hah, well, that just won’t do. They’re tied too expertly for you to wriggle out of, and even if you could… do you really think I’d let you get away just like that?

I can see from the expression on your face that you’ve fully wrapped your head around what this is about. But let’s review the sequence of events anyway, shall we? I want to make sure you understand the gravity of what you’ve brought on yourself.

*conversational, yet peppered with menace* I’ve always been one to enjoy a good show at the theatre. Such great storytelling, don’t you think? So, curtains up. Act one. Picture the scene, if you will: a gang, gathered in the meeting room, poised to discuss a new, rival group attempting to subjugate parts of their territory. Our play’s lead, seated in the midst of her people, calmly explaining how they will collectively operate to slowly but surely dispose of this threat.

Enter, stage left: the fool, running her mouth about how the lead is taking the coward’s way out by not engaging the threat head on. Proudly insinuating in front of the entire gang that perhaps… the lead is too weak to run the show. A bold, stupid challenge from someone who believes she is immune to our leading lady’s wrath. Amazingly, it seems that she, for some godforsaken reason, is experiencing fucking main character syndrome! Tell me, you’ve seen a couple of shows with me as my arm candy now - as a theatregoer, how do you think this particular piece plays out, hmm?

The next scene? Is shorter. The fool goes to bed, thinking nothing of what she’s done or what her actions have wrought. In the middle of the night, she is abruptly knocked out by two members of the gang… and wakes up, bound and helpless, in our principal player’s room. The poor, poor fool. If it isn’t the consequences of her own actions.

And now here we are. I’ve always said art imitates life, and wouldja look at that? The fiction was fact all along. *chuckles darkly* So. Next up is act 2, pet. What do think happens from here? You look a little nervous. Scared, even. I’ll give you a spoiler: you should be.

It must have slipped your mind in the midst of the show of wealth and the veneer of civility…  *leans forward* This. Is. A criminal organization, of which I am the head. I didn’t get to where I am by sitting on my ass and playing some gracious party host. I rose to this position through bruised knuckles, bloody wounds, and bulletholes in the skulls of my enemies. I am the singular most powerful and most dangerous woman in this city. Nothing goes on without me knowing about it. I hold law enforcement in the palm of my hand, and our halfwit mayor may as well be my puppet with all the blackmail I’ve got on them.

The point is…. I am not to be fucked with. Seems like you’ve become a little too comfortable with our arrangement and forgotten just who exactly you answer to.

Don’t kid yourself into thinking you’re more important than you are just because you’ve had my tongue inside you. You don’t get to challenge me, attempt to undermine me, in front of the entire gang. If I issue an order, your job is to assume I know better than you, keep your mouth shut, and obey. Got it? I don’t give a shit if you wanna say your piece in private, but don’t think for a second you get a free pass to run that pretty little mouth in public and try to make me look soft.

You warming my bed is a luxury, not a right. It is entirely based on my whims, not yours. But somehow, I have the distinct feeling that the message won’t sink in until you’ve been properly punished and made to completely see the error of your ways. Aw, that’s right, baby, you heard me. You thought I was rough with you before? Heh. That’s cute.

Now begins act 2.



Ooooh so excited from this little preview. Your voice definitely fits this character, you end up playing and perfectly fitting these characters that love chaos so well. It’s absolutely wonderful. I can not wait to hear it fully voiced. I can only imagine it in my head right now.

Scarlet Flower

Yesss this script sounds amazing already so far, I CANNOT wait for the full one to come out. Again, make sure to care for yourself and don't let me saying this make you feel obligated for more haha. You never disappoint with your audios and they're always amazing and I know this one will be too!

Sevira Darling

Thank you so much 🥺 Definitely trying to take it easy! I think I push myself too hard lollll