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Hello, my darlings!! I hope you have all been well. Took a short little vacation this past weekend, and I think it really did me some good :) Also got cast in a play recently, which I’m looking forward to (even as I dread the time management of it all…)

As for the script, this is one that I know a lot of people have been looking forward to - and me as well, honestly. I adore this character, and I was excited to get back into her headspace and humanize her a little bit. Had absolutely no writer’s block when it came to this one, it practically wrote itself. I’m still finalizing the latter portion of the script, but am aiming for a weekend upload on this! Fingers crossed 🤞🏼

To tide you all over until then, here’s the preview of the entire sfw portion of the script :) Enjoy!

And of course remember… all the homies hate Jared 💀


Well. You came. *short huff of a laugh* Made you jump, did I? You weren’t expecting to see me sitting in your cubicle, I take it, with the way you were making a beeline straight for my office. So eager to get started on our special project today, hmm? *tsk, tone change, slight annoyance* This chair is awfully uncomfortable, by the way. Is this really what you have to deal with during working hours? It can’t be doing wonders for your posture. I’ll arrange to have a new chair ordered for you… actually, for the whole office. Promote better work ethic all around. Would you like that, darling?

*doesn’t wait for an answer at all* Well don’t just stand over there gawking at me. Come here. You can pull up a chair, if you feel like risking the state of your spine, or you can perch on your desk… *slight purr* You can even kneel, if you like. I certainly wouldn’t complain.

*pause* How have I been? Busy. As usual. Dealing with investors, various headaches in the office, you know how it is. *pause, offended scoff* Don’t even mention that simpering moron to me. I swear, half my stress stems directly from Jared. If he even so much as blinks in my direction on Monday I may very well mash his face under the copy machine. Repeatedly. *glowers* Laugh at me like that and you’ll be next in line. *pause, sighs* I’m kidding. I wouldn’t do that. …Not to you, anyway.

Anyhow, I’m glad you came. I wasn’t entirely sure you would. Well, I thought you might - hoped, rather - but it has been some time; it did occur to me that perhaps your interest in our, ah, arrangement has waned.

*she is talking quickly, an edge in her voice. She’s trying not to show it, but she is nervous, an unfamiliar feeling for someone like her and one that makes her irritated*

After all, you’ve barely looked at me in the past few weeks, and when I’ve spoken to you directly, you’ve been completely reticent. *she is practically pouting* Naturally I have no intention of forcing you into anything, and it’s not like I expected you to suddenly be throwing yourself at me, but… ugh, god. Listen to me. I sound so petulant. *takes a deep breath* I didn’t ask you to come here so I could spend the afternoon whining at you.

…My… stress levels have been atrocious lately. Having your head filled with almost nothing but your job takes it’s toll. It’s something that was drilled into me from a young age, you know: don’t think about yourself, think about your work. Climb the ladder and do whatever you can to stay on top. *derisive laugh* Truly did a number on me, that lesson. My success speaks for itself, obviously. But no one tells you that success comes with migraines and weariness and loneliness and -

…I apologize. I don’t know why I’m unloading all this on you. You just look at me with those wide eyes and I’m spilling my deep dark secrets to you. *laughs, a little unsteadily* You’re more dangerous than you seem, aren’t you, pretty girl?

What I meant to say, is. I crave… a bit of relief. I don’t want to think about the trials and tribulations of my daily life. The last time I felt completely relaxed was after you *ahem* pleasured me in my office. And ever since then I have wanted you… more than I care to admit. To have my mouth on you… feel you under me, so pliable to my will, so eager to let me degrade you however I want…

God. *her voice lowers to a husky murmur* I thought just the one time would be enough to satisfy me. Take out my frustrations on the cute employee who spends her time mooning over me when she thinks I’m not looking. Meaningless fun, something to take my mind off everything, and then I wouldn’t glance your way again.

Except I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. The sounds you made, the way you clenched around my fingers, the needy expression on your face every time I called you a bad girl. You looking up at me, so desperate to please, when your tongue was buried inside me. Oh, yes… I’ve thought about it quite a lot. At work, at home… in bed.

I want you. A girl like you should be dominated, and often… but I don’t want it to be by anyone else other than myself. *soft chuckle* And judging from the expression on your face right now, the way your pupils are completely blown wide… you want that too, don’t you? Of course, I won’t force you, if you ultimately decide you aren’t up to it. Regardless, you’re still under NDA, so as a reminder, you can’t speak about this even if you choose to leave. But you did come at my behest, and I don’t see why you would do so otherwise, so…

*extended pause* Really? You thought I didn’t want to pursue anything further with you? But you… have also been wanting me to do as I wish with you. *laughs, a bit in disbelief* To think, we could have just found time to speak openly instead of letting precious weeks go by. Perhaps we’re just as idiotic as Jared. *pause, laughs for real* You’re right. That’s impossible.

Mmm… it’s so pleasant to touch you again. To stroke gentle circles on your inner wrist. *pause. her tone sharpens with hunger* You don’t want gentle right now. No… I don’t suppose you do. And quite frankly, darling… neither do I.


Heather Galatea

I'm clocked in, ready for the overtime 😳 Congrats on getting casted! Hope it goes well!


I’m so excited 😭 wondering how I can bottle this feeling to use it as a homebrew antidepressant