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Time - 19:01

Features: Mermaid x Human Savior, fantasy setting, water sounds, sex in a tub, kissing, grinding, fingering, cunnilingus


You are a young woman working on a fisherman’s boat as his apprentice. It’s a good, honest living, and quite frankly you enjoy any excuse to be out at sea. Since you were a child you have been fascinated with the ocean, eagerly absorbing all of your late mother’s cautionary tales of mermaids and sea witches and ocean goddesses. Aside from your inherent curiosity of what lies beneath the ocean’s depths, being out on the water brings you a peace of mind like nothing else can.

One late afternoon, you and your mentor are out on the boat as per usual, when all of a sudden the net lines pull taut. You barely have time to register what’s happening before the water begins to churn, as though some creature were thrashing below the surface. There is a dull thud, and the water stills. Without thinking, you dive below to assess the situation, and are stunned to see an unconscious woman tangled in the net… a woman with a tail? You quickly cut through the net with your pocketknife, tugging her up to the surface. Your mentor, a fisherman whose life is ruled by superstition, blanches at the sight of a merfolk on his boat. But he is a good man, and does not protest when you insist that you need to return to shore so that you can tend to her wounds.

With his help, you manage to haul the woman back to your quaint home by the shore, where, for lack of a better place to put her, she is carefully set in your tub. Your mentor then takes his leave, shaking his head and muttering all the while. The sun has set by the time you finish attending to her. As you are standing up to set aside the towel you’ve been using, she groggily awakens.


Hello, my darlings! I have conquered writer’s block 😈 And now I can rest finally… at least before it’s time to work on the next script haha!

I don’t have too much to say about this one! Did some more experimentation with having water sounds all throughout, I think overall it worked well.

Originally when I was writing this I thought it would be a good two-parter, but then I had other ideas… so it may possibly have more parts ! Perhaps that one poll I did on tentacles may come into play somehow? Hrmm 👀

Lol anyway enjoy!






Your voice and performance is absolutely lovely as usual. Maybe you were the real siren all along. Gonna test if I can breathe underwater real quick.


Dunno what it is, but I find this character's way of speaking cute as hell ❤️ Doesn't matter if in some stories mermaids drown people, this listener better follow her to the ocean, or so help me!

Sevira Darling

Oh I’m glad to hear that! I really wanted her speaking mannerisms to sound endearing :D she would never drown her savior hehe 🙏🏼


I love this character a lot, the way you voice her is super romantic and really polite, it fits the mermaid princess type of vibes. I hope there will be a part 2 to this one ❤️