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爆乳&ぶっかけシリーズ#1 野外&黒下着

As some of you may have noticed, the image quality has doubled for almost all of December and is quite beautiful.
As a result, the area of additions and corrections has also doubled, so the frequency of updates has dropped even slightly…
However, as for the workload, the total time has increased since April~June, when I was updating every day, even after making various efficiency improvements, and it has become necessary to review the current creative content…
One of the ways I thought of was to revive the bukkake culture that was popular on pixiv around March in order to respond to the frequency of updates.
To be honest, if there are no guys and it's just bukkake, the content is thin, but it's purely practical for dick flirting, so I'll update more often with this project when I really can't take the time 💦
I'm not going to do it in the future if it's not popular, but cum is probably the most three-dimensional and beautiful (maybe I just like it), and the pure beauty and sexiness is the strength of this Patreon, so I feel like it's a project that doesn't miss that much of a strong point.
Main focus is on copyrighted works, but since the length of this Bukkake is short, I feel that if I use copyrighted works, I am not showing enough respect for the characters, so I plan to mix in some original works as well.

Your opinion that it is okay if the frequency of updates is a little delayed, and that you should focus more on finishing the work well. Or, you may say, "Just update every day, even if it's only with bukkake" I'm sure there are a lot of opinions out there.
Patreon is the result of continuous improvement based on the various opinions have received,
If you have any suggestions or requests, please do not hesitate to write them in the comments section!

Yesterday was the last day of work for most people in Japan!
I hope you have a relaxing end of the year!😉

ちなみになぜか長文になってしまった今回の文章のオチですが、このシリーズは爆乳&ぶっかけシリーズ(Gigantic Tits & Bukkake Series)となりますので今後出番があればスタイリッシュにGBSと略してみようと思っています。
By the way, I don't know why this sentence is so long, but this series will be called the Gigantic Tits & Bukkake Series, and I will stylishly abbreviate it as the GBS if it appears in the future.



Jon (jcolson2500)

This set is super sexy and erotic Murata_san! I love how big their boobs are and seeing them covered in semen after bukkake! I would love to participate in it as well! 🤤💦


画質やばやばですね! 枚数少なくていいのでいろんな物がみたいかもです 昔?あった目隠しシリーズとかも結構気に入っています。今回みたいな物もありだと思います! もちろん好きなキャラが出てくるのが理想ですが… 1番は更新があることだと思うので無理のない範囲でお願い致します!


ありがとうございます!! そうですね、枚数少なめ色々な物が見たいと言う意見昔からかなり頂いています。 紆余曲折あって長尺CG集がメインになっていましたが、そろそろ短めも解禁していかないとですね💦 目隠し、自分も好きです!そして目隠しアヘガオランドの事を覚えてくださって嬉しいです😭 Patreonだと目隠しオンリーが大丈夫なのか微妙ですが、それらも検討しておきますね!