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〖Shion CG collection (all ages) & miscellaneous〗Finally Twitter was shadowbanned……


※These are either reserved or posted on Twitter, or too erotic for Twitter. This time, there are more underwear and swimsuits in particular, mixed with slightly different screen sizes for Twitter and before finger correction.

泣き顔編に関する引用(Quotes about the crying face section)



……At first, I started to generate it with a light heart, using it to announce on Twitter that I was taking a break from updating, but halfway through, I really started to feel sorry for her, and although I didn't cry, I realized, "Oh, I care for Shion more than I thought I did. ...... I was made aware that I cared for Shion more than I thought I did.


This may be just a small taste of what it feels like to "create a character" as a creator, but it was a complex feeling I experienced for the first time in my life.


However, this feeling is something that all of you who are active as creators have probably already passed through, and I am sure that the feelings of those who are engaged in creative and expressive activities, such as continuing to draw the same cartoons for years, are hundreds of times greater than mine.



What I felt again from this is that "should not humiliate other people's works lightly.

In this fan box, interpret our creations as "copyrighted characters are also alive, and they sometimes feel climaxes, and in a sense, it is human and natural for them to make a face like an ahee. So, once again, I was reminded that it is important to draw a line.




I never thought that I would feel such feelings through AI creation.

I would like to express my gratitude to my supporters and followers for giving me this precious experience.

Thank you very much for your continued support.



Gregory Cassin

Is she your favorite character? Because of you she is in my top now I love her she is perfect and you create her with all the outfit it just incroyable