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WAY too long since this story got an update, but finally it's back rolling, it's been on the back burner for a bit but I'm happy it's finally got it's continuation. This story was made before I started my Patreon so I'll post all four chapters now in case you haven't seen them yet. 

So as you all remember I was sick a couple months back and we finally figured out why. I won't go into details but long story short, I needed surgery and I'm finally much muuuch better. This is why my posts slowed down a bit, I spent all month basically recovering but I wanted this chapter out so badly, so I pushed through and managed to get it done. I wanted it a little longer, but the next chapter will fix that. 

Happy Halloween to everyone :) I know this isn't a very spoopy themed chapter but...who cares? XD It's Gabbi and Casey finally back at it! 

I hope you enjoy going through the series again, and I hope you all had a nice and spoopy Halloween! <3 


Oscar Cruz

Glad you feeling better