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For starters, my Patreon payout finally got here! I'm like...super happy that I'm actually making a hundred or so more than the displayed amount haha After I finish negotiating two more commission emails I have sittin' here, I should be in good standing for paying off those darn school fees(for this semester! lol)! So I can probably take it easy on comms the next few batches to pursue my comics.

THE SWITCH WAS A SUCCESS! Besides two patrons that are declined due to payment issues, everyone checks out! So I can start posting art here again :'D

That being said, with everything all ironed out, I'll be posting a Dropbox link with all the content that I have lying here that I haven't posted soon. It'll MOSTLY contain doodles and unfinished wips/pinups but I like having them available in case I never get around to them.

I'll also be making the previous months Dropbox links available to the 1 dollar tier! So everyone wins haha

OH OH, and I met my second goal!! It feels good to actually meet a goal haha Before the switch, I'd hit goals like 2 times over and go right back to square 1 after the fakes pulled out. The Goal reward was that anyone in the $5 tier can get an "ask the ocs" comic. Anyone who's an artist/commissioner with a cutie oc, they can feel free to submit them in a "what would happen if my oc ______ met _______" kind of situation and I can draw you a short 4koma style comic for exposure points. Before it was everyone gets one comic, but I think if I can meet my next goal, you can request one per month haha.

I'm making a dropbox link for the $2.50+ tier!
$1 Tier will get access to the older Dropbox links!
$5 Tier has access to ask the ocs!
$10 Tier's will have a link to psds pm'd! (You know who you are!)

As always thanks for the support guys!!




What if you don't have an OC... :'(


i got one for you but you may not like her xd


Maybe I'll just troll Light with a photo of my dog. Character meets... a dog.