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So I've been reading a couple doujins by Atte7kusa and JESUS CHRIST is that guy good. He draws loli's that are chubby but not really??? They're just these little kawaii ass squishy rectangles hahaha  He's EASILY my loli inspiration from the way he does petite anatomy to the way he draws thick peens to the way he gets the "softness" in a loli pic down. Very few artists can give that effect on a loli.

That being said, I don't plan to emulate him lol He's really good but he just inspires me to step up my loli game. I may try some things he does, but overall I don't want my style to become his.

Here's an Illegal-tan I dood  I drew a couple weeks ago(before finding this guys doujin stash) Was curious what she'd look like colored since up until now, it's been a running gag that she didn't have a color scheme. Actually super pleased with how she came out! I might do some colored naughty bits of her in the future now, hell maybe even a super short comic haha

Oh and pantsu edit in the dropbox lol




Ahh that should be the one? Swore I put it in there, but it should be there now with some other pics.