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Just had to preface that haha Hope things are going good for you all? New year, new vibes. New endeavors, new horizons. Got a lot I wanna do before it's over and I know that sounds like some end of year shit, but trust me, this shit's gonna blow by fast lol Got A LOT I wanna talk about today, it's gonna be a bit of a roller coaster of topics, so bear with me.

First and Foremost-

Major Changes to the Patreon Going Forward- Going into the new year, I'm going to be removing some of the perks for the 2.50 tier, and bumping them up to the $5 tier. This is a decision I've thought long and hard on. Their breakdowns as followed-

  • Comic Access will be moved to the $5 Tier- Comics via the Patreon have always been a bit of a loophole. My comics are generally priced around 10-15 USD with lengthier ones costing more. When I started the Patreon, my comic catalogue was very niche in subject matter, and aimed at making short stories of 4-10 pages that I churned out twice or three times per year. As the page has grown, I've expanded into longer comics, doubled production, and now doing occasional franchise focused stories. $2.50 for an entire comic is a steal but my justification was always "A) It's probably not what they're into B) they'll probably amass the price of a comic by the time something they're into is out" With production doubled and more wider known topics being drawn, this logic is starting to fall apart in the case of new pledgers. It has quickly become a cheat code to getting around Gumroad. This is still fine, I would like people to stay subbed here and pick up comics as they come, but 2.50 is still way too low. I want to focus on making shorter comics for the most part in 2021, so those will be priced around the $10 threshold. This will work as a sort of "Half off on comics" deal. Sorry to all current $2.50 tier patrons who subbed for this perk. As a form of consolation, the first comic of 2021 will be available to the $2.50 tier but after that, they will all be $5 tier locked.
    Birthday Wishes will be moved to the $5 Tier- This explanation is a lot simpler, it's really just supply and demand. As more patrons sub the page, I need to balance time and energy evenly. In addition, you must be subbed a minimum of 3 months to redeem a birthday sketch. Again, a lot of pitfalls when considering first time pledgers. You do not need to have 3 months subbed to the $5 tier, just 3 months of investment in the page. 

Other points I'd like to make

  • Tier Listings Now Streamlined- So I changed the tiers so many damn times on the fly that the gooddamn...order of shit and names were all over the place lmao I'm so so sorry to new comers if that was confusing or just looked chaotic. Everything is now neatly ordered with each tiers progression reflected in the text listing.

    Content Dump Passwords Will Now Be PM'd to All Eligible Users-
    A big thing on the page has been my use of passwords to get into the monthly Dropboxes. While that will still be a thing, I will be removing the mailing list system and instead mailing out the passwords to everyone eligible. The reason for the mailing list system was to maximize security of content while also trying not to spam peoples emails if they didn't want to deal with getting a ping from me. I've come to terms that despite my efforts, there will still be cracks for content to slip through and it's just out of my control. Also the time spent to get everyone on and off the lists will only get more tedious as the page grows. Removing the mailing list will make for speedier Content Dumps and a less messy mailbox with all users grouped under one email chain. Note: The mailing list will still be in act for site-only users to get Comic Access.

This should cover all the technical stuff. I wanna be as transparent with everyone as I can and not promise stuff I can't deliver on. I'd like everyone to get some level of involvement or art in general from me, but at the end of the day, I'm just one guy with a ton of projects. I hope you guys can be understanding and that moving forward the page will be a lot easier to navigate. 

I guess now I can get into the less serious stuff haha

Secret Santa: Year Four a Huge Success!-  Wish I could have done more myself but MAN you guys did AMAZINGLY this year. It really chokes me up seeing all the beautiful artworks from each artist and now, commissioners. I think we def gotta encourage more commissioning for future years, cuz it's just more love to go around! Tho I will say, need a rule to mandate art from the Artist submitting if they are one. I think it's a lil fucky when you guys drop a ton of giftart or comms of your oc but like...0 art of your own for people to reference lol All SS art will be bundled into the December Content Dump. Lets have an even bigger secret santa this year! 

Lighthouse Awards 2020!- Okay I have to prep the event like a month out, because while I had more time this year, there's A LOT to do behind the scenes lol Happy to say this years LHA's went off without a hitch! Shout out to the mod squad for keeping tabs on things and helping out backstage. It was a huge help having some extra hands this year. Here's a rundown of all the Winners

  • Best New Chat Sona- Wagyu
  • Best New OC- Misha(Owner- Final Agent)
  • Best Chat Emote- :Ginahug:
  • Best Moderately Active User- TTT
  • Comic of the Year- Death's Sweet Release
  • Top Lewd Poster- Hamilton4
  • Best New Artist- Rube
  • Tribute: Kaio
  • Goodest Boi- Wagyu

Remember to take any screencaps of gold moments in the Audience Chat while you can, the chat gets nuked next week. 

I'M TIRED- Between Death's Sweet Release, SS2020 and LHA's 2020, and a fuckton of loose ends, I'm fuckin' drained man...on the 15th of this month, I'm on vacation! Til latest Feb 15th. A full month but knowing me, I might work on stuff between that. I need some time to sit back, play some vidya. Talk to people I haven't spoken to in ages. Shop will open just in time for the first poll of the year. 

That...should be everything? Idk I've been on this post for a min. By the time this is up, it'll probs be the 9th so whoops lol Here's to a better start for the next month!! lmao  


If you have pledged to me after the making of this post and did not get the password in the greeting message, PM asap and I can have it sent your way. All content is readily available in the Patreon's Discord Server under #content-update. 



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