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Figured I'd do something for that for some reason lol Much thanks to everyone who's been supporting me so far! Especially the ones that have been here since the start, it truly means a lot<3

I feel like I haven't been delivering much quality stuff with this Patreon but I'm really trying to work on that of late. Finally put some finishing touches on my last commission I had to do, which means my obligations at the moment are only the Helen comic and starting another chapter of Gina's story(Oh and Beserker Origin Part 2). I have so much shit to do but I keep getting caught up in minor studies(the November month of Purin was just aaaall pudge practice...haven't had time to answer asks in bulk with pics like I used to).

But I really gotta stop being depressing in these descriptions lol TO GET BACK ON TRACK- I'm going to be binge comicing for the rest of this week so this Patreon's purpose will still be true. I keep forgetting I can post single pages rather than multiple at a time, so I can do that for comics that aren't the Patreon's current focus. Also will be reposting the Suggestion Box since I need ideas for future content. I might even make a private Patreon tumblr for asks rather than having you guys send them to my main since shit gets buried fast. Annndd opening commissions for the holiday season so look out for that in about a week from today.





yay go LS ! \o/ PS: Great pic


Tiddy zaff best zaff!


this is so cute!!! dam