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Ahoy! How's everyone hangin' this lackluster Tuesday? Good I assume? Well whatever your answer, I got some content for ya. Here's the monthly patch notes-

Congrats to our poll winner!- Okay fuck you guys, Rachnera was one of my least faves on that list, Ahsoka was robbed lol. That aside, she gets a 3 image set with a bonus sketch page, so spooder fans, look forward to that. Contemplating doing Interspecies Reviewers or Sailor Moon as our next poll. Def more quality control there lmao

Comic Project Slated for the 10th!- Currently working on a comic and idk I'll make it in time buuuut, I'm gonna try my damned best!!  It's an idea I've been sitting on for a while, so I'm glad I finally have the opportunity to get it done. Fingers crossed!

Comic Mania!!- Currently sitting on 3 scripts that are pretty heavy. I wanna get at least 2 of these done before the thick of summer. So I'm gonna need some extra time pumping them out.

Commissions Progress Resumes the 15th- 7 comms left, the final crunch. I gotta kick it into overtime if I wanna get these done in time for the next comms batch. I think May is gonna just be comms and comics. So sorry if Mays dump is skimp on content!

Lots of new faces here!!- So much people have been coming in! Not gonna lie, makes me really happy to see that the page is growing(albeit fairly slow lol) been feeling like it hasn't been moving, but of late my emails been blowin' up. I hope I can deliver worthwhile content for everyone! And thanks so much to long time supporters! Everyone is just greatly appreciated <3

Can't talk long, got a lot of work to do!! So I'll just throw the link now and scoot


To go over again for the new folks, this is a collection of all the April draws for everyone who likes their content compiled in one location or just isn't in the Patreon Discord where you can get them the same day they're drawn. For security reasons, DM/PM(Private  Message) me here on Patreon, and I can give you the links password. If  you have  already done so in the previous months, no need to message me, I'll throw you the password in a bit. If you have any additional  questions  about this months dump or would like access to any of the previous  months content, feel free to ask.  



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