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Okay! I've had my Patreon up for almost two months now and I'm happy to say things have been going very smooth. I appreciate all the help you guys have given so far!

First thing I wanna talk about is that I'll be starting my Helen comic this week, and will be working on it for the next couple of weeks. It'll be the first Patreon funded colored comic at a whopping 24+ pages. It's all thumbnailed, so all that's left to do now is to start it digitally. I'll be working on each page individually and posting here(2.50+ tier) as soon as they get done. The $1 tier will see pages every 3 pages of progress.

Commissions open today. Anyone here in the $10+ tier, don't miss your chance to get half off on a piece!

Suggestion box opens Friday! I'll be making a suggestion box for the $5+ reward tier like originally promised. In it, you can drop picture suggestions for the ocs, ask-like questions to be answered, and fanart/lewd requests. That's right, you'll be able to ask for lewds that I will be open to drawing lol Level of detail for each varies, but I'll have more info in the actual post.

Oc bios will soon be available on my tumblr. My blogs characters have their own expansive universes filled with all sorts of context that people wont get off the bat. So for a while now I've been making external pages to explain things in a wiki-esque fashion. Still haven't done every single page(Claudette's universe has a lotta shit x'D) but I have most of the main characters covered! If you want to take a look at what I have so far here's a link to the main page. Each bio will be supported with images and interesting information that wasn't previously stated though pictures or asks.

Think that's everything I want to say for now. Hope you guys are enjoying the content so far! I can't say thanks enough for the support!




Sweet! (Do the 25$ pledgers get a good ol' pat on the back from light?)