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TD:DR Starting on the next animation. Updates here.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. Sorry it took awhile for me to get started. I'll post wip and updated here.

2024-01-19 Planning phase.

2024-01-21 Frames 1-300 done. 

2024-01-22 Frames 1-515 in progress. Working on making it look really difficult to get the shaft to fit. Taking a lot of hand sculpted shapekeys because I can't make the physics work.  Also off to a really bad start at making this a shorter video     ☉ ‿ ⚆

2024-01-22 Frames 1-900 complete. It's been a long 30 seconds of pain/pleasure getting the shaft in half way. I think I'll do an animation loop of him doing her with this much in her and then work on getting the rest in. 

2024-01-25 Frames 1- 2499 mostly done. This includes the anal copulation and insemination with it half way in. Need to add Chloe's head and face expressions on their own animation layer. Then move on to getting the rest of the shaft in and more copulation.

2024-01-27 Frames 1-2499 Facial expression and head movement layer roughed in. Need to tighten up the movements here and there and then on to the next section.

2024-01-28 Frames 1-2600 done. Moving on to the next phase where the entire thing is going in. 

2024-01-29 1-3348 50% done.  Roughed in needing to exert force to pull her down until the whole shaft is in. Need to refine and add expressions.

2024-01-31   1-3500 almost done. Shaft is fully inserted. Hopefully it looks like she was really tight and it was difficult for the Big Puck to force it in. 

Also had a minor fiasco with animation layers and swapped out a 1tb drive for a 4tb one. Still need to do the hair, and then on to the second copulation loop. 

2024-02-02   Frames 1-3602 done. I made the main loop that will be used in the second copulation sequence. Next, I'll duplicate it probably 6 times. Then add head movement and expression to show Chloe's experience starting with pain and progressing to pleasure. 

2024-02 04 Frames 0-4440 done. Next is the second insemination and then a closing sequence. 

2024-02-07 Frames 1-5700 complete! We've finished off with Chloe swallowing.  I was going to close with the Big Puck holding her for the next goatman but I'm at my endurance limit on this one. Next is doing the liquid sim and texture effects.  This is going to be a lot of frames to bake :(

2024-02-09 Animated liquid sim frames 1-2472 

2024-02-11 Rendering started! ETA 32 hours, but it always deviates. 

2024-02-12 Rendered frames 1-4354. Getting there!

2024-02-13 Rendering complete. Starting on audio. 

2024-02-13 Video complete. Hope y'all like it!


Love her expression as it'd forced in
Love her tiny hands
"Hold her legs"
"What is that thing?"



Can't wait for the upload, man! This is gonna be juicy!

Eric Vanhecke

C'est là qu'on se rend compte du travail que cela représente..mais l'avantage de l'informatique c'est que une fois créé on peut le réutiliser à volonté et cela devient un travail de montage à la différence du dessinateur de comics...j'ai vraiment l'espoir de voir les outils informatiques s'améliorer car j'adore les images virtuelle où seul l'imagination est la limite...et comme j'adore le Rule34..monstre et jeune et jolie fille j'espère voir de vrai films fantasy avec une petite histoire style des petites étudiante qui tombe en panne de voiture et se réfugient dans un vieux château....vampire et loups garou attendu..