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She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner
She's a lady!

I have included her in the polls many times but she never was close of winning :p So now i finally used my power and gave her the spotlight as i have been wanting to do for long time, i hope you like this fancy mama doggo:)

As usual, all the files on my website:  https://teranen.com/ 

remember to refresh and log out and back in if the website gives you issues :P



Collar Spider

Awww she's gorgeous 🥹 glad you rigged the vote for her. Also, really cute outfits, makes me wonder what your take on other Victorian outfits would be, even the ridiculous full covering lingerie


im not too good at drawing dresses, but its fun to experiment sometimes

TM wolf

I like her, she seems classy x3


That lingerie looks gorgeous on her. WOW!