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ends on 22th  CLOSEDDDD

No theme
In the comments of this post people who have pledged the "Cookeh overload!" may suggest me ocs to doodle later this month.


You can send the link in the comments or dm me it. Oh also remember to mention if you would prefer to see SFW or NSFW  doodle. You can submit more than one character. Remember that i prefer drawing female characters but gender bending is totally fine if you wanna give me that freedom :P  You can suggest characters from friends as a possible gift to them but you gotta have permission to use the character and owner must be ok with possible NSFW  Doodles might be full body or thigh up pics. Ill be choosing 1-3 characters to do colored doodle of. If there is lot of people its obvious that everyone isn't gonna get chosen.

There is possibility that same person can get doodle 2 or more times in a row but only if the character is different than in previous month. Same character can be doodled again if there is at least one month between

Characters must be +18 I only draw sfw if feral and not anatomically correct animal parts on anthros either. i dont draw AI characters




Thank you again for the opportunity once again anything is fine no preference for nsfw or sfw ❤️ (wings are of course optional) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12J7ANY5jIZXjgI0w5udpii_Buz4Dsy5O


aannndd again <3 good luck to everyone! and have fun teranen <3 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mPcz6DiyNt01MnXNUSwhdr397Jp2uqy0/view?usp=drive_link


Thank you again so much for the chance Teranen! Here are my girls, all are ok for SFW or Artistic Nudity: Garnet: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53631943/ Jasper: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51978515/ Firoza: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43409478/


Here are three of my ladies for you. NSFW is preferred. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-rnBnL5Bmo1TGMAzAxoX9a_yRR0Nq7zU

Matthew Burch

I’ll try my hand again. This time I’ll submit both my OCs. NSFW or SFW is ok for either. Ada: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/16qy06i and Jennifer: https://www.reddit.com/user/TheShadow1307/comments/174x43m/jennifer_oc/


Once again I offer up Willow; SFW or not is fine, whatever you feel like drawing. References: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53432719/ https://portfolio.commishes.com/upload/show/SGKK/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52306718/ https://imgur.com/a/c9IgDRh


Boop! Time to throw my birb into the nsfw ring! https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1L2bSD6EBT5rz4VuZmhCF8aaldSiRYBzi


Here’s my jackal girl! I’d love to get something suggestive with her :) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37194551/


I will dm you again!


Going to throw two vixens in this time Either NSFW Or SFW is fine. Holly https://www.furaffinity.net/view/36272010/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/49278211/ And my Partner's Misty https://imgur.com/a/yRu8jm1


Thank you for the chance! Submitting a couple of oc's for this! First up is my otter Maia: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53961301/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24356842/ (nsfw) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/42647266/ and then two of my dudes for gender bending: Bo https://www.furaffinity.net/view/50698459/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53616018/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/53961230/ and Gene https://www.furaffinity.net/view/24208500/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52472794/ (nsfw) https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48649886/ (nsfw) Nsfw is preferred, but not required

Tactical Triscuit

I’ll throw in my girl Cloudie if that’s cool. Nsfw is usually a thing for her but if chosen, I would like you to do whatever you would enjoy. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/21724573/

Christina Dashie Makaveli

Thanks the opportunity! could be NSFW both My character Dashie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kSkyzmrV2W7DU8MnZaouofGpTKXaoIA/view?usp=drive_link My friend character Lucia:https://drive.google.com/file/d/141UWTlM5Apfi-Pq3Jok5ulOo0PLMw_El/view?usp=drive_link


Here's my sona once again! NSFW or SFW it's purely up to you! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Jd5IBcAPonIPZ-dP4BTxwOamM4M8Dd74?usp=sharing


Thank you again for the opportunity! I’m gonna throw in my Spooder gal once again! Beatrice: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d4yDYlvTyvAoEljGzzrVtBK-VnXqDItS/view?usp=drivesdk SFW preferred! Multiple arms and abdomen not optional

Homura Hellhound

Folder with Refs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1HxoYm8KepNBDYezK-Ds6CDVo5xAV7uBP?usp=drive_link Both SFW and NSFW are fine with me Thank you for the opportunity! :D


Aqua: my fennec fox - sfw and nsfw ok Reference https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43627253/ Folder https://www.furaffinity.net/gallery/swartzfox/folder/1032376/Aquas-folder

The Friendly Deathclaw

m gonna suggest my dragonsnep fursona Rayleigh. here's her ref: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43412377/ I would prefer nsfw. also gonna throw up my Lupunny/Garchomp gal Aife this time. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/48086904/ Nsfw for her too.


Here are a couple gals for this month, NSFW/SFW is ok, thx in advance Maisy: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10X39EELe96qvQz5hHZ-XG9Jt_JQxdT0O Krystal: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-gkN4-XCmYQVPsYJ8dQoOYhYa2PLR_i1


Throwing in my characters for a shot again thank you! Either SFW or NSFW your choice!^w^ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29278596/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/39007977/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51858973/

Cat Enjoyer

Gonna toss the girl at ya again this time, NSFW is just fine! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/850485825489469441/1174115680535199824/AlexTempRef.jpg?ex=65666b70&is=6553f670&hm=77be22d2ca88ffa31505726efa079d82ff979f14a7351d4021d6d519b510b043&


SFW / NSFW okay! I'll be throwing in my girl Gadget again: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/465084839339491339/1124626464894107679/gumget_ref.png?hm=f3a84dc9102147af0130541e232c56887c190d7dd79534d75df49305b882fe94

Finny Artwork

Is it time again :3 Thanks the opportunity! let me give you again the top three this month of me :3 this time three on sfw and three on nsfw <3 to give you variation ~ SFW: https://toyhou.se/15627455.vallina#47893932 https://toyhou.se/23657160.selly#71443842 https://toyhou.se/14188369.layla#43840876 NSFW: https://toyhou.se/12192537.yuna/gallery#38157585 https://toyhou.se/15209253.lyra#46723617 https://toyhou.se/21625829.darling#65255937 Can't wait to see you beaautiful artworks again ~ you make every character looks so peciel each time ! Wish you a great day month


its that time of year~ thanks again! Kathrine Bunny: https://sta.sh/0n5a44tlytz (NFSW/SFW) Rosy Fluffer Doggy: https://sta.sh/0t8oorbwzfo (SFW Preferred) Glittering Snow Deer: https://sta.sh/022e7a597f6m (NSFW/SFW)


Nsfw/sfw both is okay-! Pink salad :3 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1015117269623373854/1124681982085976124/comm_finished_1.png?width=662&height=670 https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1015117269623373854/1093969448525905920/Milkychocoflan_Eva_Sketchsheet.png?width=1085&height=670


Nsfw and sfw are okay for either Thank you so much for the opportunity 💕 https://toyhou.se/23566621.spirit#71181172 https://toyhou.se/19328470.anzu#58656582 Gender bending is a-ok ^^ https://toyhou.se/18903997.oliver

Derpa Muffin

Hoping I get picked for my birthday (22nd) :D SFW or NSFW is fine :> Gardevoir: https://imgur.com/a/LKOBzRp Lynn (Lucario): https://imgur.com/a/7FGJKiE Daikon (Meowscarada): https://imgur.com/a/Ek45guT Lemonade (Latias): https://imgur.com/a/sEgZ4zQ All done by @EphrinEpi on Twitter/X :> Let me know if one of the links doesn't work.


SFW and NSFW are both fine for me https://thebluekr.nl/BlueVisions_Ref.png https://thebluekr.nl/Protogen_Ref.png


Throwing in my girl SFW and NSFW is fine up to you ^w^ well that if im chosen xD https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52791020/

That guy

Here we go, so sfw or nsfw is fine with me. https://docs.google.com/document/d/14FKw4xroR5Om4NJKLDWUJoCVzB2D3qvOFTORy_4Zc6A/edit


SFW or NSFW your choice! I hope the rest of your November goes smoothly saw your twitter post, stressful stuff! https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/mobile/folders/1XNAhNsT_YRP5oJcvELP73HgL-r28eN9W?sort=13&direction=a


Yay! Thank you, sfw. My red haired white tiger, https://toyhou.se/9527486.valerie/gallery , my metaltic gold tiger, https://toyhou.se/16093724.victoria-reagan and my mafia kangaroo, https://toyhou.se/9528398.alice


Might as well try my luck again, good luck everyone! :3 @Windflame2829 - My Twitter Ivy : (SFW or NSFW is fine) https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1cC98_6wmy-N_mn7lTcjkR9Kd8aYsEzT6 (Alia) -This is a friends OC, SFW Only (@RoguePhoenix02 - Her Twitter) https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1Jud9cuuKmBiprKEaEF9BRKfs2vsHQguf


Thanks for another roll of the dice! Good luck to everyone here! Haze the Cat: (N/SFW) https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1535017448210157578?t=5784M0OXOYgBXwnGgw8IfQ&s=19 Tatl the Bat: (N/SFW) https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1535017760094408710?t=mRYI5qaJoqohSn5afV_8mg&s=19 Sophia Leingod: (N/SFW) https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1535017590380285962?t=h0muGYmMIkRS-zXnjBTwmA&s=19 Lucia [Normal/Succubus]: (N/SFW) [Clothed]https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1617677711295807490?t=UzHra_UWKw4LgDwaVidzmA&s=19 [Nude]https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1617678012333568001?t=qYf2G8JvosQi5sZXyllBmA&s=19 Echo: (N/SFW) https://twitter.com/deviant_online/status/1680666989495296000?t=Qd5j30Cd00xOatdrRCyUpg&s=19


I'd like to see this character drawn as is or genderbent. NSFW or SFW is good. Portrait: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808275216563830804/1174540980175769680/IMG_1677.jpg?ex=6567f787&is=65558287&hm=9541f2b94c15756902b6ca0f23df566621514f74e702f1879f08e12a48b9e7e7& Backside (NSFWish): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808275216563830804/1174540979752161330/Tanukionnwm.png?ex=6567f787&is=65558287&hm=0fb6641420d5dcf15391b6d3c165a6c2d278a829acabd572495d371893f3ce50& Frontside in trunks (On right): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808275216563830804/1174540981547307100/Requests_buddies.png?ex=6567f787&is=65558287&hm=2e4020add75ecc83b2010bd38564637092d4e975d6ad05bfe91bfee6ddb157f7&


Here's a lovely Shrimp for you! Prefer NSFW but sfw is fine too! https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1lrJOsg4RkOfONuE6SWasODI3h6ivx2ag I know there's no particular theme but maybe something relating to fall would be nice, maybe her laying in a pile of autumn leaves nude with big booba as normal. :P Thanks Tera!!

TM wolf

November's volunteers are marching in! N'navi: https://toyhou.se/17094693.n-navi Bella: https://toyhou.se/17094296.bella-wintera Julienne: https://toyhou.se/17094621.julienne-serengana Nana: https://toyhou.se/17532624.nana-silber Xena: https://toyhou.se/18007070.xena-baden Penny: https://toyhou.se/17093676.penny Violetta: https://toyhou.se/17094530.violetta Aphrodite: https://toyhou.se/2609086.aphrodite NSFW pref. Thanks for the chance fren! :3


NSFW or SFW ^-^ Makima - https://toyhou.se/14431216.makima/48746450 Katski - https://toyhou.se/16352407.-kat/16561035.current-reference-sheets/49918594 (Anthro ref: https://toyhou.se/16352407.-kat/16352416.art/50163159) Sato - https://toyhou.se/12779729.sato/39820912 Ellie - https://toyhou.se/20435689.ellie/61841102


NSFW or SFW is fine https://toyhou.se/23666988.kitastrophe https://toyhou.se/12534684.agatha https://toyhou.se/23957869.merida https://toyhou.se/12959370.split-treats


SFW please :) https://twitter.com/JuliaWinterPaw/status/1685375610498207744?s=20


SFW or NSFW is fine! https://i.imgur.com/llHqpyg.png https://i.imgur.com/128M3ff.png


SFW or NSFW is fine!! Thank you for the chance 💙 https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869886390291292173/1175689891607232572/9E47E290-8D23-42E6-BEFB-138C34FA60D1.png?ex=656c2589&is=6559b089&hm=2c425d0fdcf6b13652e5b4ee5925b6d750492f0dedc44a5ad0c5abe9e7e312ec&


Sfw or nsfw alright ! Thank you for the opportunity ! https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/61699542_MzwEtG6KWWJekiL.jpg


Here is Rose, I know you'll do something amazing with her, and excited for when you do https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51531550/ Feel free to do it as NSFW or SFW I'd be happy with either or


Charr They belong to me. https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43847235/ https://www.furaffinity.net/view/43847200/ nsfw is fine.thankyou


I hope I'm not too late to submit my gal Kitty? https://1drv.ms/i/s!AtkFYOrLicpGlkQZpQS7qAn8l_mn Or maybe her girlfriend Sera? (Owned by my IRL girlfriend, who has given permission) https://1drv.ms/i/s!AtkFYOrLicpGmDzl1tJh4PyhItT4 SFW only for Sera, but NSFW or SFW is fine for Kitty ^_^


Preference: - Don't mind Both SFW or NSFW [Jaydah - Female Version OC] - Anthro Version https://sta.sh/227jv01ab2g3?edit=1 [Sarah the (Pinto) Hedgehog] - Sonic Theme SFW - https://www.furaffinity.net/view/9320331/ SFW - https://sta.sh/0yf16sdkp5u [Tayla] https://sta.sh/21xpx27hq376?edit=1


https://twitter.com/allosaures/status/1637856765894090765?t=5t71U7_0NAHZRQ5XaizS5w&s=19 I almost forgot myself, so I put Cherry's ref, for the sake of form it's the first one at the top left And then you do sfw or nsfw as you want, thank you again for this chance

Crystal Razorback

Sorry late response. Might i interest you in dog? https://refsheet.net/CrystalRazorback/airi Nsfw is prefered


Oops kind of last-minute here, hopefully I’m not too late! As per my usual, SFW is preferred but both ways are good. Both girls on offer this time~ Koharu: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570989502470815770/1125912541407760394/Red_Pandabbit_Semi-Sona_20230704181357.png?ex=656fa0c4&is=655d2bc4&hm=60ea46a1c936a9b74710f8aaeeb7d3b45239c038dbb3fa0c68bdaf66f54f8e11& Rena: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/570989502470815770/1176683402175463435/Rena_Reference_Sheet_20210502235604.png?ex=656fc2d0&is=655d4dd0&hm=8f9dfdb78a4468d5eb2a2c24339dd67b37a8b407feba8f07ea384f82ca163f2a&

Tom Brousseaux

Hopefully I submitted this in time. I'd like to suggest my OC Lydia: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1042451031423983747/1176698296945885245/reflist_Lidia_3_1.png?ex=656fd0af&is=655d5baf&hm=481e13f8fdeb8a17b6eb9d019b00953c40ed81d0c9d96bd8ffce62e50c211462&


heya its me again Id like the chance to get a picture of you by my boy/girl/futa fuko the nimbat. Id mostly would like him to be a sexy hung futa girl, but normal girl is also okay if your ather do that :) furaffinity.net/view/52116860 furaffinity.net/view/52129039 furaffinity.net/view/51648852 furaffinity.net/view/50742196


Oh dang, almost forgot to share my chara! Have my usual pone and let's go with nsfw :> https://sta.sh/2jpyjtm4rnj Danke!


Whoops forgot that Imgur really doesn't like that ref for some reason. Let's try dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0227be43blq5t7p5xq8j9/Misty-v2-Nshade.png?rlkey=7ru4zp79h6ijxzg7esswman0m&dl=0

Finny Artwork

Oh - that wierd , they don't show - shen i push the edit button it show em the hole comment again SFW: https://toyhou.se/15627455.vallina#47893932 https://toyhou.se/23657160.selly#71443842 https://toyhou.se/14188369.layla#43840876 NSFW: https://toyhou.se/12192537.yuna/gallery#38157585 https://toyhou.se/15209253.lyra#46723617 https://toyhou.se/21625829.darling#65255937 Can't wait to see you beaautiful artworks again ~ you make every character looks so peciel each time ! Wish you a great day month


Sorry about that, here is the link again :) https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/48746450_nl7Eg9iHfTVFzcY.jpg